Wednesday, August 22, 2018 South West Michigan – Some Sun, Some Clouds
Currently 61 with a NW wind of 11 mph. Feels like 60 degrees. Dew Point 53. Humidity 74%, Barometer 30.04, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:55 am, Sunset 8:33 pm. Sunny to partly cloudy with a high of 76. NW winds 10 -20 mph.
Low tonight 55.
Feels so cool this morning compared to what we’ve experienced lately that a hint of fall hangs in the air. I’m not happy about that. Yes, the cool air is rather refreshing, but no…any suggestion of the seasons to come isn’t welcome in my world. Not to me. So I’m happy to see that next week the heat will be returning. I may be one of the only ones standing here cheering that news, but I sure am doing just that. The longer I can hang on to summer the better.