Saturday, July 21, 2018 South West Michigan – A Little Welcome Rain
Currently 66 with an E wind of 9 mph staying out of the way and leaving things to feel like 66 degrees. Dew Point 65, Humidity 97%, Barometer 29.70 & rising, Visibility 7 mi, Sunrise 6:21 am, Sunset 9:15 pm. 80% chance of scattered thunderstorms. High 78. ENE winds 5 – 10 mph.
80% chance of early thunderstorms. Low 66. ENE winds 5 -10 mph.
Still haven’t got quite a half an inch of rain over the past few days, but we’re getting close. How ever small the amount – actually, so far .44″ according to my rain gauge measurement – it’s been more than welcome and weekend or not, we’re looking forward to as much more as we can get. The weather map is showing small clumps of green floating around here and there but nothing big or nearby at the moment. Hoping for more. We still are in need.