Wednesday, July 18, 2018 South West Michigan – Nicely Cool Morning
Currently 65 with an average NE wind of 4 mph leaving that to feel like the 65 degrees it is. Dew Point 54, Humidity 67%, Barometer 30.13, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:18 am, Sunset 9;17 pm. Sunny today with a high around 80. Light and variable winds.
Clear overnight, low 55. Light and variable winds.
Almost felt chilly this morning when I went out to feed the critters. Well, as compared to what we’ve been experiencing, anyway. Felt good. Our fingers are now crossed for the possibility of showers and thunderstorms moving in late Friday. Oh yes, we know full well how things can change between then and now, but right at the moment, things are looking good to be getting the much needed rain by this weekend. I keep trying to remember what a wonderful rainy day – or night – feels and sounds like. Frankly, it’s been so long now that it’s only a faint memory so I’m more than ready to refresh those moments in my mind. And goodness knows, the crunch dry grass in my tiny backyard is ready to accept anything that could come splashing down on it. Like I said, fingers crossed.