Sunday, Feb. 25, 2018 South West Michigan – Serious Flooding In This Area
Currently 35 with a WSW wind of 26 mph dropping that to feeling like 23. Cloudy to partly cloudy skies today, high in the mid to upper 30s. WSW winds 25 – 35 mph with gusts to 40. Wind Advisory is in effect for today.
Mostly clear tonight, low 29. WSW winds 10 – 20 mph.
The wind out there this morning is bitter. Takes your breath away it’s so strong. During the night, somewhere around 1:00 or 3:00 the bands of strong wind that came through were fierce! Shook the house and I’d guess they had to be 40+ mph. Today it’s a strong steady wind, but with the occasional gusts that are even stronger. Most certainly not a day to be doing anything outside.
The flooding is dreadful this year. Highest since 2013, which was a disaster. Fingers crossed that the state won’t be looking at much more precipitation, so the levels can begin to recede soon.