Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017 South West Michigan – Record Rainfalls
Currently 39 degrees with a W wind of 5 mph dragging that down to feeling like 35. Dew Point 40, Humidity 90%, Barometer 29.7, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 8:07 am, Sunset 6:44 pm. 20% chance of rain today, high upper 40s. NW winds 5 -10 mph with gusts to 20.
Partly cloudy tonight, low lower 30s. Light winds.
Well, this has been a soggy month of October so far. We’ve been busy setting records for rainfall. I’ve measured over 8 1/2″ of rain this month and it’s not over yet. No wonder there are flood warnings all over the place – and through Sunday now.
Only good thing here is that it’s been rain and not snow. I’m starting to see that dirty word crop up in the weather forecasts here and there already and I’m not liking it. Not any better this year than last year, or the year before that or…
In the meantime, it’s water, water everywhere hereabouts.