Sunday, Sept. 24 South West Michigan – Record Temperatures To Continue
Currently 78 and it already feels like 80. Ave Wind SSE 6 mph, Dew Point 61, Humidity 54%, Barometer 30.10 & rising, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:32 am, Sunset 7:35 pm. Heading for a record of 94 today with sunny skies. SW winds of 5 – 10 mph.
Clear overnight skies. Low 64. SSE winds 5 – 10 mph.
We remain hot with absolutely no chance for the temperatures falling or any rain expected to help. A lot of leaves are falling before their time due to the fact that they are so dry. Plenty of them on the ground but before the color is getting to its peak. That’s not good. The usual outdoor things you plan for in the fall are being put on the back burner because it’s simply too hot out there to enjoy doing much of anything. Everyone will be happy when this heat waves finally waves goodbye and moves on.