Tuesday, April 16, 2024-SW Michigan-Some Wind And Rain On The Way
Currently 57 with an 11 mph wind from the ESE. Feels like 57 degrees. Dew Point 34, Humidity 47%, Barometer 30.11, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:57 am, Sunset 8:27 pm.
Mostly sunny with a high in the upper 60s. E winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 35 in the afternoon.
Windy tonight with a 90% chance of rain with the possibility of thunderstorms. Low in the lower 50s. E winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 40.
Some clouds may start to show up later today along with the wind coming in. I believe there is a fire damage alert out today because of dry conditions and way too much wind. Things should at least get dampened down good after tonight an tomorrow. But that wind will remain with us for a bit. Next weekend still looking like a sunny one, but much cooler than the last. Our typical ups and downs. At least heading in the right direction to warmer weather.