Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021-SW Michigan-Great Weather For A Few Days
Currently 54 with an average wind from the SW of 1 mph. Feels like 54 degrees. Dew Point 47, Humidity 84%, Barometer 30.15, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:26 am, Sunset 5:28 pm.
Partly cloudy today with a high of 62. SW winds 10-15 mph.
A few evening clouds will give way to a clear overnight sky. Low 43. SSW winds 5 -10mph.
A lovely couple of sunny days for us. Even then, Tuesday won’t be bad, just cloudy. Some rain for a few and then it’s back to cold weather. So enjoy the heck out of what we’re getting. November, as we all know here in Michigan, could be SO much worse by now.