Thursday, July 15, 2021-SW Michigan-Maybe Rain Today, Tonight-A Nice Weekend Ahead
Currently 73 with an average wind from the SSW of 10 mph. Feels like 73 degrees. Dew point 68, Barometer 29.93, Humidity 83%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 6:16 am, Sunset 9:19 pm.
70% chance of showers and thunderstorms today. High in the upper 70s. W winds 10-20 mph with gusts to around 30.
Mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of overnight showers and thunderstorms. Low lower 60s. NW winds 5-10 mph becoming NE overnight.
Measured .40″ overnight rain. Had a nice little rain a little after 2:00-even some thunder. It was lovely. Today gives us a fair chance for some more rain, maybe tonight, might be tomorrow. Then a week of clear sailing ahead with no rain in view, temperatures in the 80s…as of now, anyway. Things probably changing as I type this. So right now I’d say it does look as if we’re in for a nice weather weekend and beginning of the new week. After that? The usual wait and see game, I reckon.