Monday, Dec. 28, 2020-SW Michigan-Cloudy And Colorless
Currently 29 with an average wind from the WSW of 4 mph. Feels like 25 degrees. Dew point 26, Barometer 30.09, Humidity 86%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 5:15 pm.
Cloudy with a 20% chance of morning snow showers until about midday then partly cloudy afternoon. High in the low 30s. NW winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 25.
Mostly cloudy becoming partly cloudy overnight. Low 15-20. NW winds 5 – 15 mph.
Tis the season of colorless mornings. Gray ground, gray sky and the only thing differentiating between them are skeletal tree branches reaching up for…what? They sure aren’t going to find any warmth and precious little sunshine. But there they are stretching upward into the grayness.
A couple of eventless days leading into an end of the week snow – just like last week. So anyone venturing out to celebrate the New Year will likely be finding slick roads – just like last week. Ah, the joys of living in a northern state.