Saturday, April 25, 2020-SW Michigan-More Clouds Rolling In
Currently 42 with an average wind from the ENE of 9 mph. Feels like 36 degrees. Dew Point 29, Humidity 58%, Barometer 30.04 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:43 am, Sunset 8:36 pm.
Morning mix of sun and clouds becoming cloudy in the afternoon. High 56. ENE winds 10 -15 mph.
Mostly cloudy overnight. Low near 40. NE winds 10 -15 mph.
Looking good as far as our temperatures ahead. 50s & 60s. Seems to be a lot of rain mixed in there, but if it stays on theĀ warm side, at least it won’t be turning into snow. That’s a very good thing. We’ll take it a step at a time. Warmer. Maybe some sunshine eventually. Even warmer? It’ll get here. Just sort of losing patience waiting around for it.