Monday, March 9, 2020-SW Michigan-Rain Likely Today and Tonight
Currently 53 with an average wind from the SSW of 16 mph. Feels like 49 degrees. Dew Point 31, Barometer 30.09 & rising, Humidity 43%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:03 am, Sunset 7:02 pm.
100% chance of rain. Winds from the SW of 15 -25 mph with higher gusts possible. A quarter inch of rain likely.
100% chance of overnight rain. Winds from the SW of 10-20 mph. Another quarter inch of rain possible.
Might end up a bit of a damp week. Chance of rain/frozen mix on Wednesday, rain on Thursday. Things can change fast so none of it is a guarantee but it’s all out there as a possibility. So far no rain today but it’s definitely in the air and in the forecast.