Sunday, Jan. 12, 2020-South West Michigan-We Dodged The Weather Bullet This Time
Currently 23 with an average wind from the SSW of 2 mph. Feels like 23 degrees. Dew Point 19, Barometer 30.37 & rising, Humidity 83%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:12 am, Sunset 5:28 pm.
Cloudy with peaks of sun later today. High 28. Light and variable winds.
Cloudy with 50% chance of snow showers. Low 23. ESE winds 5- 10 mph.
That major ice storm we were destined to get skipped off to the south and we really, truly lucked out. Light icing, light snow, not even the high winds forecast. Mother Nature was either being kind or careless. Either way, we’re more than appreciative. Everyone spent Friday stocking up and getting ready and then…nothing. Not a waste though, ’cause we’re stocked up and ready for the next one and we all know there will be a next one that we probably won’t be so lucky with in the future.
Me? I spent the day that should have been one without power and getting cold as heck in here working in my craft room, sorting, rearranging and getting more stuff ready to donate to Goodwill. It was a terrific surprise day.