Thursday, May 16, 2019-South West Michigan-Rain On The Way
Currently 64 with an average wind from the SSW of around 9 mph. Feels like 64 degrees. Dew Point 50, Humidity 61%, Barometer 29.85 & falling, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:17 am, Sunset 8:59 pm. Partly cloudy with an 80% chance of thunderstorms developing in the afternoon. High 74. SW winds 15 -25 mph.
80% chance of thunderstorms early on becoming cloudy skies after midnight. Low 49. WSW winds shifting to N 10 -20 mph.
Dry right now but later on today, not so much. Sunday sounds like another stormy day and then about next Tuesday another round of rain comes through. Best I can say is it finally isn’t round after round of snow or freezing rain as was so recently our weather. We’ll take the rain…just plain rain.