Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2024-SW Michigan-Enjoy Today’s Sunshine
Currently 34 with an average wind fro he SW of 4 mph. Feels like 27 degrees. Dew Point 28, Humidity 77%, Barometer 30.32, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 7:49 am, Sunset 5:10 pm
Partly sunny becoming mostly sunny today with a high in the upper 30s. W winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.
Partly cloudy in the evening becoming mostly cloudy. Low in the lower 20s. W winds around 10 mph with gusts to around 20.
It may be chilly out there but at least today it’s bright. Might be out last one so I’d suggest you enjoy it as much as you can. Except for a brief exception, our temperatures will be dipping into downright cold. And most sites are showing some form of precipitation for many of our days. Not sure yet what Thanksgiving Day will present for us to be driving in, but it will be a pleasant surprise if it’s dry. Big cold system marching from west to east across the country so we’re not the only ones heading into cold weather. Doesn’t make it any more comfortable but it’s nice to share, isn’t it?