Saturday, Jan. 27, 2024-SW Michigan-Another Foggy Sunless Day
Currently 36 with a 2 mph wind from the E. Feels like 34. Dew Point 35, Barometer 30.22, Humidity 100%, Visibility -.66 mi., Sunrise 8:02 am, Sunset 5:48 pm.
Cloudy with areas of fog. High in the upper 30s. Light winds.
30% chance of rain possibly mixed with snow. Areas of fog. Low in the mid 30s. NE winds 5-10 mph.
Perhaps some precipitation tonight but after that, nothing in store until Monday night through Tuesday. Our weekly temperatures should be in the upper 30s, maybe even a 40. Much better than we’ve had recently. And eventually, it will only get better. Nice, huh?