Friday, Aug. 26, 2022-SW Michigan-Look For Some Sun Later Today
Currently 67 with an average wind from the WNW of 6 mph. Feels like 67 degrees. Dew Point 62, Barometer 29.98, Humidity 87%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:59 am, Sunset 8:27 pm.
Mostly cloudy early then clearing in the afternoon. Patchy morning fog possible. High in the upper 70s. N winds 5-10 mph.
Mostly clear overnight. Low in the mid 50s. E winds around 5 mph.
A rather drab morning but it should brighten up later today. The possibility is there. The coming rain for Monday that up until today was held more or less in place has decided to branch out and encompass Sunday night and Tuesday morning. At least, as of now, the daylight weekend hours are promising to be rain free and pleasant. We have to settle for what we get from Mother Nature. Seems like she’s going to grace us with an entire good weekend. Sounds okay to me.