Monday, Nov. 29, 2021-SW Michigan-Partly Cloudy Morning To Afternoon Snow Forecast
Currently 23 with an average calm wind from the SSW. Feels like 23 degrees. Dew Point 25, Humidity 100%, Barometer 30.1, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:53 am, Sunset 5:10 pm.
Partly sunny morning with increasing clouds leading to an 80% chance of snow showers. High near 40. SSW winds 5 -10 mph.
100% chance of evening snow showers will taper off to cloudy skies. Low 39. SE winds 5 – 10 mph.
Some peeks of sunshine this morning. Cold, but at least some color showing up. Not expecting that for later today. Sounds like snow moving in late and overnight. The coming week doesn’t sound bad. Maybe even a day in the upper 40s around Thursday. We’ll see, but December coming in could be a whole lot worse.