Monday, March 24, 2025-SW Michigan-Unwanted Snow Falling

Monday, March 24, 2025-SW Michigan-Unwanted Snow Falling

Currently 30 with a SSW wind of 8 mph. Feels like 21 degrees. Dew Point 31, Barometer 29.61, Humidity 100%, Visibility 3 mi. Sunrise 7:39 am, Sunset 7:59 pm.

70% chance of snow showers. High in the upper 30s. W winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 35.

Partly cloudy with an overnight low in the lower 20s. W winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.

A fine snow falling out there and it looks like it could keep on doing so all day long. No warm up in view and frankly, it looks as if we’ll be ending March and beginning April in the 40 degrees. Things could change between now and then but that’s the picture being shown for now. Could even see another bit of snow next week. Someone dipped our winter in Velcro and unhappily it’s sticking to everything. Personally, after going out to feed the birds and critters this morning – I’m done with the great outdoors for the day. Not even going to be looking out the windows because I simply do not want to see this weather. Seen enough of it.

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