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Month: March 2025

Sunday, March 2, 2025-SW Michigan-Hanging On To February Chill

Sunday, March 2, 2025-SW Michigan-Hanging On To February Chill

Currently 25 with an average wind from the WNW of 5 mph. Feels like 18 degrees. Dew Point 14, Barometer 30.21, Humidity 63%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:17 am, Sunset 6:32 pm.

Cloudy becoming mostly sunny. Scattered snow flurries off and on. High around 30. W winds 5-10 mph.

Partly cloudy. Low around 20. Light winds.

Not warming up yet but by next Wednesday we might see 50 degrees. We’ll see some rain for the beginning of the week but a warm up coming is enough to make that unimportant. We will, of course, see a fluctuation of temperatures but peering into the future I’m seeing some 50 even a 60 degree day coming up fairly soon. Going to seem heavenly.

Saturday March 1, 2025-SW Michigan-March Not Coming In Very Nice

Saturday March 1, 2025-SW Michigan-March Not Coming In Very Nice

Currently 19 with an average wind from the WNW of 10 mph. Feels like 9 degrees. Dew Point 8, Barometer 29.96, Humidity 63%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:18 am, Sunset 6:31 pm.

Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of snow showers. High in he mid 20s. NW winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.

Partly cloudy. Low 15-20. NW winds 5-10 mph with gusts to 20 in the afternoon.

Okay, so maybe March doesn’t especially want to be nice right now. Seems to be coming in on a rather low note. Look for rain the beginning of the week and perhaps a bit of snow around Wednesday or Thursday. Sooner or later the month should start behaving and get with the plan. You know, the plan to have spring move in and shove winter entirely out of the picture. Might be slightly off schedule to start with.  Just don’t be too hasty about packing away winter things just yet. Eventually. In the meantime simply take heart that the month of February is out of here for the year. That’s a grand step in the right direction.