Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025-SW Michigan-Gray Skies, Possible Light Snow
Currently 25 with an average wind from the NNE of 8 mph. Feels like 19 degrees. Dew Point 18, Barometer 30.03, Humidity 81%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:19 am, Sunset 6:04 pm.
60% chance of snow showers. 1″ or less expected. High around 30. E winds 5-10 mph with gusts to around 20.
70% chance of overnight snow showers. 1″ or less expected. Low in the mid 20s. N winds 5-10 mph becoming NW with gusts to 20.
No color at all in the sky to be excited about this morning unless you like the color gray. Look for the chance of some light snow later on and overnight. After that, I don’t see any more coming until starting around Wednesday. Then several days of it. Right now not seeing anything heavy. A rather dreary spate of February winter weather.