Saturday, Feb. 1, 2025-SW Michigan-Enjoy Morning Sunshine
Currently 21 with an average wind from the ENE of 45 mph. Feels like 21 degrees. Dew Point 14, Barometer 30.37, Humidity 75%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:57 am, Sunset 5:55 pm.
Sunny until about midday then becoming cloudy. high in the upper 20s. NE winds 5-10 mph becoming SE with gusts to around 20.
70% chance of overnight snow. Low in the lower 20s. SE winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 25.
It’s nice and bright out there this morning but it’s downright cold too. Not going to warm up today to speak of with a cold night to follow. Look for quite the warm up tomorrow and Monday – hopefully into the 40s. Of course, that won’t last, but hey…we’ll take what we get. Tomorrow could bring a mix of snow and rain and we all know how ugly that can get. Hopefully the temperatures will raise quick enough to tend to that problem – if it gets into the 40s. Sunday isn’t a given but Monday almost certainly will and that could bring rain. You know the way it’s been going that a couple of days with numbers in the upper 30s or 40s is usually followed by a dip into the 20s. Count on it. Tuesday will be right back down into those unwanted numbers.