Friday, Jan. 31, 2025-SW Michigan-Morning Fog, Rain Perhaps Snow Later
Currently 36 with an average wind from the NNE of 7 mph. Feels like 32 degrees. Dew Point 35, Barometer 29.73, Humidity 100%, Visibility 5 mi., Sunrise 7:58 am, Sunset 5:53 pm.
Patchy fog until about midday. Partly cloudy with a 70% chance of rain showers. Could be some snow showers mixed in. High in the upper 30s. NE winds 5-15 mph with gusts to around 30.
Partly cloudy with a low of 15-20. N winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.
Hard to tell but it could be messy little day. Fog, rain, maybe snow showers? Nothing like variety. Look for temperatures tomorrow to be back in the 20s. Sunday will be back into the upper 30s or lower 40s. With snow and again maybe some rain mixed in. No question about it, we’re in a for day with temperatures up and down. It seems to be the way it’s shaping up. Some days in the 30s, some 40s…perhaps dipping into the 20s. Reckon the way to success is to be keeping an eye on the weather and be ready for any of it. At least we’re saying goodby to January as we are set to usher in February. For me the last official winter month because as we all know MARCH COULD BE NICE.