Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025-SW Michigan-Several Days Over 30 Degrees
Currently 32 with an average wind from the SSE of 4 mph. Feels like 28 degrees. Dew Point 25, Barometer 29.72, Humidity 81%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:01 am, Sunset 5:49 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a 40% chance of snow showers. Patchy blowing snow in the afternoon. High in the upper 30s. SW winds 5-10 mph increasing to 10-20 mph with gusts to 40.
Partly cloudy in the evening becoming mostly cloudy. Patchy blowing snow in the evening. Low in the upper 20s. W winds 15-20 with gusts to around 35.
Look for temperatures in the 30s until Saturday. A big dip that day but warming up again on Sunday. Supposedly. Possible freezing rain Thursday night into Friday. Or maybe not. Depends on which weather station you check on. Seems like plenty of wind whipping through with possible blowing snow mixed in there. Or again, maybe not. Just a messy little January streak. At any rate, enjoy these few days that aren’t down in the 20 degree range. We will, for certain, be getting more of them.