Saturday, Jan 4, 2025-SW Michigan-Bitter Cold Temperatures
Currently 21 with an average wind from the SW of 3 mph. Feels like 18 degrees. Dew Point 9, Barometer 30.2, Humidity 86%, Visibility 2.8, Sunrise 8:13 am, Sunset 5:21 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of snow showers. High in the lower 20s. W winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 25.
Partly cloudy with a low 15-20 with W winds 10-15 with gusts to 25.
Look for a good chance of some snow today, but other than that, what we’re facing is mostly the frigid temperatures. Going to stay downright cold through this week. Perhaps a bit more snow around Wednesday but as of now not looking like much. Cold and wind is what we need to gear up for – quite unlike the states to the south of us facing Winter Storm Blair.