Thursday, Dec. 26, 2024-SW Michigan-Cloudy With Comfortable Temperatures
Currently 36 with an average wind from he ENE of 3 mph. Feels like 36 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 30.25, Humidity 100%, Visibility 1.1 mi., Sunrise 8:12 am, Sunset 5:14 pm.
Cloudy with areas of fog. A 30% chance of drizzle. High in the lower 40s. SE winds 5-10 mph,
Cloudy with areas of overnight fog. 40% chance of drizzle. Low in the upper 30s. SE winds 5-10 mph.
There is a small chance of rain today and tonight but a better chance tomorrow through Sunday. Monday may give us a break in precipitation but it comes right back on Tuesday. Next week the precipitation will likely transition over to snow. This was our break in the weather to make getting out and about over the Christmas holiday. Not so sure about New Year’s. Could end up with some snow for New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. I guess we’ll find out eventually.