Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2024-SW Michigan-Cloudy Christmas Eve Day Weather
Currently 32 with a calm wind from the NNE. Feels like 32 degrees. Dew Point 27, Barometer 30.31, Humidity 82%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:12 am, Sunset 5:13 pm
Mostly cloudy with a high in the lower 30s. Light winds.
Mostly cloudy overnight with a low in the mid 20s. Light winds.
No precipitation expected today or tomorrow – in fact we could even see a peek of the sun on Christmas Day. Look for rain after that from Friday through the weekend – but with very comfortable temperatures. Quite a break in what could be Michigan Christmas weather. No white Christmas unless you count the left over snow – nothing new coming. At any rate, the roads shouldn’t be dreadful for all those last minute shoppers out and about today – or for those traveling to Christmas gatherings tomorrow.