Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024-SW Michigan-Expect A Little Snow
Currently 28 with an average wind from the NE of 4 mph. Feels like 28 degrees. Dew Point 25, Barometer 30.3, Humidity 92%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:09 am, Sunset 5:10 pm.
70 % chance of snow showers. 1″ or less expected. High in the lower 30s. SE winds around 10 mph with gusts to 20 in the afternoon.
90% chance of snow showers. 1-3″ possible. Low in the upper 20s. E winds 5-10 mph.
As of now, it looks like we might just get clipped by this quick moving Alberta Clipper System. Not expecting a ton of snow from this and it won’t last long anyway. Couple days of snow showers but then by the weekend – which should give us some sunshine – we’ll be in some mighty cold numbers. The weekend before Christmas is always a busy one, but you will need to bundle up while you’re out and about.