Saturday, June 22, 2024-SW Michigan-Possible Severe Weather Later
Currently 79 with an average wind from the S of 8 mph. Feels like 81 degrees. Dew Point 69, Barometer 29.89, Humidity 69%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:04 am, Sunset 9:25 pm.
70% chance of showers and thunderstorms. High in the upper 80s. SW winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.
90% chance of overnight showers and thunderstorms. Some storms could be severe. Low in the mid 60s. SW winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25.
Wouldn’t be much of a surprise if we didn’t end up with some severe weather later today or into the evening hours. It’s going to cool down considerable tomorrow compared to what we’ve been dealing with. Heat will more or less return by Tuesday, resulting in some more rain. Not looking for more 90 degree days right away, but we will be in the 80s next week for the most part.