Saturday, June 1, 2024-SW Michigan-Enjoy This Morning’s Sunshine
Currently 64 with an average wind from the S of 3 mph. Feels like 66 degrees. Dew Point 49, Humidity 52%, Barometer 30.08, Visibility 10 mi, Sunrise 6:05 am, Sunset 9:15 pm.
70% chance of afternoon rain. High in the mid 70s. S winds 5-10 mph becoming SW in the afternoon with gusts to 20.
90% chance of rain with a slight chance of a thunderstorm. Low in the upper 50s. Light winds.
I hope you get a chance to be out and about and enjoy today’s sunshine while it’s here. Rain is on the way. A better opportunity to enjoy sunshine will be tomorrow and as far as seen right now, the only chance for the week. It looks as if rain will be coming every day. What a soggy week ahead if nothing changes. Of course, we all know how quikly it does, but alas…as of now that’s the picture showing up.