Sunday, May 26, 2024-SW Michigan-Beginning A Three Day Rain Event
Currently 63 with an average wind of 5 mph from the ESE. Feels like 63 degrees. Dew Point 49, Humidity 59%, Barometer 29.83, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:09 am, Sunset 9:10 pm.
90% chance of showers and afternoon thunderstorms. There is a slight risk for severe weather. High in the upper 70s. SE winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.
80% chance of overnight rain and thunderstorms. Low in the upper 50s. SE winds around 10 mph becoming S with gusts to 30.
No rain this morning but it’s inevitable that it’s going to come around later today. With all the rain forecast for the next three days it’s definitely not thrilling for those with outdoor activities scheduled. The best we can do is be thankful we’re not dealing with the weather occurring in the southern states. At least we don’t have the torrential rains, hail and the almost certain threat of tornadoes racing across the south. Rain and some wind we can deal with. Not happily perhaps, but we can do it. We can pretty much always manage to move our Memorial Day celebrations indoors…at least our indoors will stay put for us, a it stands right now anyway.
While we’re coping with the unfortunate weather, I do hope we all take some time to give thought to what this holiday really means. And give thanks to all who gave their all in order for us to be free to have our holidays in freedom.