Monday, April 29, 2024-SW Michigan-Rain Today Sun Tomorrow
Currently 61 with a 4 mph wind from the ESE. Feels like 61 degrees. Dew Point 58, Barometer 29.81, Humidity 100%, Visibility 4 mi., Sunrise 6:38 am, Sunset 8:42 pm.
70% chance of rain showers and thunderstorms. High around 70. SW winds 10-20 mph with gusts to 30.
Mostly cloudy with a 30% chance of rain showers with a slight chance of a thunderstorm. Low in the upper 40s. SW winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 25 in the evening
A rainy day today but none in the forecast, for now, showing up for tomorrow. A couple of sunny days, Monday and Tuesday. Rain returns for several days after that but as of this moment, Sunday is looking good. Fingers crossed it stays that way.