Tuesday, April 2 2024-SW Michigan-Gloomy, Rainy, Cloudy, Cool Temps
Currently 39 with an average wind from the ENE of 13 mph. Feels like 33 degrees. Dew Point 39, Barometer 29.62, Humidity 100%, Visibility 7 mi, Sunrise 7:21 am Sunset 8:10 pm.
80% chance of rain with a slight chance of afternoon thunderstorms. high in the mid 40s. E winds 15-20 mph with gusts to 35
90% chance of rain with a slight chance of thunderstorms Possibility of mixed in snow showers overnight. Low near 30. E ast winds 15-20 with gusts to around 35 becoming SW 10-15 mph with gusts to 25.
Okay, with computer issues resolved for now, I’m back to observing the weather. Trouble is, this current weather isn’t worth too much attention. Seems as if April is marching along at the same pace as March. Slow to recognize this is spring. We seem to be looking at cool temperatures and possibilities of rain now and again in the near future. I sure do wish there was something wonderful to report. Alas….Mother Nature is not playing nice.