Monday, March 25, 2024-SW Michigan-Clouds Today Rain Tomorrow
Currently 41 with an average wind of 5 mph from the SE. Feels like 34 degrees. Dew Point 27, Humidity 60%, Barometer 29.92, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:35 am, Sunset 8:01 pm.
Mostly cloudy today with a high around 60. SE winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 35.
100% chance of overnight rain showers. Low in the mid 40s. SE winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 35 increasing to 45.
Today should be dry, but not tonight and definitely not tomorrow. Might get a few thunderstorms tomorrow. Of course, this tumbles our Wednesday temperature back down into the 30 degree range. 40s and 50s the rest of the week though. Look for rain again on Saturday. Easter Sunday will be cool, but no rain predicted so far. We seem to be in this weather pattern that hasn’t much variance in it – well, except for that miserable snow storm last Friday – but the rest is a rinse and repeat pattern. Will be nice to see the end of it. And since all things must end eventually, I’m thinking this might change for the better too. Some day.