Friday, Jan. 26, 2024-SW Michigan-Temperatures To Stay Moderate For End Of Jan
Currently 37 with a 3 mph wind from the ESE. Feels like 30 degrees. Dew Point 36, Barometer 30.05, Humidity 100%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:03 am, Sunset 5:47 pm.
70% chance of rain. Patchy fog. High in the upper 30s. NE winds 5-10 mph.
70% chance of overnight rain. Areas of fog. Low in the lower 30s. Light winds.
Our daytime temperatures are supposed to remain in the 30s. There’s nothing to say we won’t end up with a night or two of mixed perception, but as of now it’s not expected to amount to anything significant. This is like a tiny hint of the coming of an early spring. It isn’t, really, but we can pretend all we like.