Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024-SW Michigan-All Day Long Fog
Currently 37 with a 2 mph wind from the E. Feels like 32 degrees. Dew Point 37, Barometer 30.16, Humidity 100%, Visibility 0.41 mi., Sunrise 8:04 am, Sunset 5:45 pm.
Dense Fog Alert Until 10:00 PM.
Cloudy. Widespread fog through the day. 30% chance of afternoon rain. High in the upper 30s. E winds 5-10 mph.
100% chance of overnight rain. Areas of fog. Low in the mid 30s. NE winds 5-15 mph.
Should be getting used to the foggy days. Seems to be what we end up with as we transition from harsh weather to some that’s not quite a wintry. At least with the temperature as high as it is, it’s not a freezing fog which can be deadly. We just have to take it slow and easy and keep an eye out for places where the fog thickens limiting visibility. After Friday, the precipitation should cease until around next Tuesday. Even at that, if things stay the way they are predicted that could be a one of thing and back into more dry days. Fingers crossed.