Monday, Dec. 25, 2023-SW Michigan-Mild Christmas Day For Us
Currently 50 with a 6 mph wind from the SE. Feels like 50 degrees. Dew Point 47, Barometer 30.1, Humidity 97%, Visibility 7 mi., Sunrise 8:12 am, Sunset 5:13 pm.
Mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of afternoon rain showers. Patchy fog until midday. High in the mid 50s. SE winds 10-15 mph.
100% chance of overnight rain showers. Patch fog. Low in the upper 40s. SE winds 10-15 mph.
This is an unusual stretch of weather for Michigan Christmas. Our temperatures will remain in the 50 degree range for a few more days and then they will start to drop. By the end of the week we’ll be down in the 30 degree range. Personally, I’ve enjoyed this mild, snow-less Christmas but I realize not all folks have. Never fear. Snow will be on the way before we know it. Bound to happen sooner or later – later this year, but once in awhile that happens. Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Day – even without the wished for snow.