Sunday, Dec. 24, 2023-SW Michigan-More Dense Fog
Currently 48 with a 2 mph wind from the SE. Feels like 45 degrees. Dew Point 45, Barometer 30.25, Humidity 100%, Visibility 0.17 mi., Sunrise 8:11 am, Sunset 5:12 pm.
Cloudy with widespread fog. A slight chance of drizzle throughout the day. High in the lower 50s. SE winds 5-10 mph.
Mostly cloudy with widespread fog. Slight chance of overnight drizzle. Low in the mid 40s. SE winds 5-15 mph.
Another really foggy day. Out and about this morning and ran into some areas with light fog and on into another area with heavy, thick fog. Tricky driving this morning. I’m thinking we’re going to be getting more fog tonight and tomorrow so I imagine there will be tons of references to Rudolph’s Shiny Red Nose. Thank goodness Santa has the help to make it through. Anyway, no white Christmas for us this year, only a foggy one. I realize most do appreciate a nice cold snow on Christmas. Not being one of them, I’m enjoying the mild temperatures. Last year was different, I’m sure next year will have it’s own flavor, but this one suits me fine.
Merry Christmas Eve Day to one and all.