Friday, March 24, 2023-SW Michigan-More Messy Weather On The Way
Currently 32 with an average wind from the NE of 6 mph. Feels like 25 degrees. Dew Point 21, Barometer 29.98, Humidity 65%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:38 am, Sunset 7:59 pm.
Mostly cloudy today. High in the upper 40s. E winds 10-15 mph.
Windy. 100% chance of rain possibly mixed with snow and/or freezing rain. Low in the lower 30s. E winds 15-20 mph with gusts th 30 increasing to 20-30 mph with gusts to 45.
Well, today will be rather seasonal. But tonight we’ll be slipping back into a season that should have bid us a fond farewell and vanished by now. Look for a messy night tonight and even messier time tomorrow. In fact, tomorrow we could end up with an inch or so of snow. Say it isn’t so!!! But alas…it is indeed so. March is going to prove to be a contrary month from beginning to end. I guess simply enjoy what we can appreciate out of it and hope for the end to eventually arrive is the secret to survival. Today won’t be bad but don’t be looking for any brilliant sunshiny day. That won’t happen. Would be nice if a peek or two of blue skies should come our way. We’ll see how it goes. Just be ready for tonight and tomorrow.