Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022-SW Michigan-Cloudy And Cool
Currently 48 with an average wind from the SW of 4 mph. Feels like 45 degrees. Dew Point 46, Barometer 30.28, Humidity 96%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:35 am, Sunset 7:29 pm.
Mostly cloudy today with a high in the upper 50s. N winds 5-10 mph with gusts to 20.
Mostly clear overnight with the possibility of patchy frost. Low in the mid 30s. Light winds.
Chance of some frost tonight. Maybe even tomorrow night. After that our temperatures looks to be hovering in the 40s overnight. But this possibility of overnight frost will become more prevalent before too long. Almost October already. Next week looks to be dry and cool. Not bad for the end of September beginning of October.
All eyes as well as tons of prayers are centered on Florida right now with Hurricane Ian set to slam into the state. Looks to be a very strong storm with the possibility of a tremendous amount of damage before it lumbers along and leaves that area. It’s a strong, but slow moving storm, which will leave them all in harm’s way much longer than they’d like to have happen. After such a relatively calm hurricane season, this one is making up for things in a big way.