Saturday, April 30, 2022-SW Michigan-Rain Coming Our Way Later Today
Currently 49 with an average wind with an average wind from the E of 15 mph. Feels like 44 degrees. Dew Point 25, Barometer 30.06 & falling, Humidity 38%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:36 am, Sunset 8:42 pm.
Becoming windy. Cloudy skies with a 90% chance of rain. High 59 degrees. ESE winds 20-30 mph with higher gusts possible.
Expect some early wind with an 80% chance of more overnight rain. Low 51. ESE winds 20-30 mph with higher gusts possible.
Except for what looks to be a solid chance of rain coming our way on Tuesday, not a bad week on the way. 50-60 degree days. Don’t expect anything in the 70, but the week after? Seems to be on the way. All looking better all the time.