Friday, April 22, 2022-SW Michigan Rain On The Way
Currently 46 with an average wind from the E of 12 mph. Feels like 40 degrees. Dew Point 34, Barometer 30.51, Humidity 64%, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 6:48 am, Sunset 8:33 pm.
A few morning showers possible becoming a 90% chance of steady afternoon rain. High 54. ESE winds 10-20 mph.
90% chance of overnight rain and thunderstorms. Low 46. ESE winds 10-20 mph.
Would be lovely to have a thunderstorm tonight. Nothing like lightning and thunder while you’re tucked cozy in bed. Or, at least, for me. So I’m anxious to see it develop. Tomorrow is going to be terrific. 80 degrees. I think we’re all pretty excited about that. Sunday won’t be as warm, but still not bad. Rainy though. I guess we’ll be paying for Saturday. Fair enough.