Thursday, March 31, 2022-SW Michigan-Unfortunately March Weather Will Bleed Into April
Currently 36 with an average wind from the W of 18 mph. Feels like 26 degrees. Dew Point 34, Barometer 29.23, Humidity 92%, Visibility 1 mi., Sunrise 7:26 am, Sunset 8:07 pm.
70% chance of intermittent snow showers. Temperatures holding steady in the mid to upper 30s. WNW winds 20-30 mph with gusts to 40.
Overcast overnight with a few snow showers possible. Low 28. WNW winds 10-20 mph.
Unfortunately the calendar page flipping over from March to April tomorrow is not going to bring us any relief from the wintery holdover weather. It will continue with a miserable week ahead. Looking for no warm up in my little backyard area ’cause there won’t be one. Might as well use this time to tend to tedious indoor tasks that should eventually be done, but now can be done early. Why not? Putting in this lousy weather time for something one can feel good about seems to be the only way to get through this weather and make it into what will eventually turn nice. Or we hope so, anyway. We always have hope.