Wednesday, March 30, 2022-SW Michigan-Dodged Another Overnight Weather Bullet
Currently 35 with an average wind from the E of 14 mph. Feels like 26 degrees. Dew Point 33, Barometer 29.66 & falling, Humidity 91%, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 7:27 am, Sunset 8:06 pm.
100% morning showers to become afternoon rain. Thunder possible. High 55. SSE winds 10-20 mph.
100% chance of overnight periods of rain. Low 43. SSE winds 15-25 mph with higher gusts possible
Well, once again my little backyard managed to dodge what had been predicted to be truly rotten wintry weather. No ice. No snow. Not overnight anyway. Nobody complaining about that. The rest of the week still doesn’t look appealing to anyone wishing for spring. Who knows, at this time, whether we’ll be seeing anymore snow. It’s certainly possible. Just hang on to the warm clothes and steady on. Sooner or later it’s going to change. Just don’t look for it this week.