Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022-SW Michigan-Maybe Some Snow Flurries
Currently 29 with an average wind from the W of 8 mph. Feels like 16 degrees. Dew Point 21, Humidity 73%, Barometer 29.93 & rising, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 8:08 am, Sunset 5:37 pm.
Overcast with the chance of some snow showers or flurries. No accumulation expected. High 31. WNW winds 15-25 mph.
Cloudy to partly cloudy overnight with a 40% chance of snow showers in the evening. Low around 10. NNW 10-15 mph.
A couple of days before the temperature tumbles again. Sounds like some serious snow over on the shoreline but the lake effect snow shouldn’t get over as far as to my little backyard. It’s amazing what a few miles distance will do. We are expecting some snow over the weekend, but so far, no predictions on much accumulation. Just typical January winter weather for Michigan.