Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2022-SW Michigan-No Big Weather In Sight
Currently 30 with an average wind from the W of 5 mph. Feels like 25 degrees. Dew Point 28, Humidity 92%, Barometer 30.00 & rising, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 8:12 am, Sunset 5:29 pm.
Cloudy with a slight chance of a few snow flurries. High 36. WSW winds 5-10 mph.
Cloudy overnight with a low of 26. Light and variable winds.
Nothing much in view as far as anything severe coming at us. Not for now, anyway. Our temperatures will continue to go up and down…not too far up and more down than is comfortable, but that’s just usual wintry stuff. Merely regular Michigan January winter weather.