Monday, Dec. 27, 2021-SW Michigan-After Christmas Snow For Us
Currently 33 with an average wind from the E of 2 mph. Feels like 33 degrees. Dew Point 33, Humidity 98%, Barometer 29.69, Visibility 8 mi., Sunrise 8;14 am, Sunset 5:15 pm.
Cloudy with a high of 41. SSE winds 10-15 mph.
Partly cloudy tonight. Low 28. W winds 10-20 mph.
Roads had to be a nightmare this morning for those having to drive on them. Not only the snow but the freezing drizzle that mixed in with it. I measured 2 1/2″ of snow in my backyard…and trust me, this was wet, heavy snow that was not fun as I carefully – very carefully – cleared away a smallish skating pond area to toss out critter food into. Today and tomorrow should be okay but more of this is moving in on Tuesday night/Wednesday. So just be prepared and watchful.