Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021-SW Michigan-Off And On Snow Showers
Currently 35 with an average wind from the NW of 4 mph. Feels like 31 degrees. Dew Point 27, Humidity 79%, Barometer 29.91, Visibility 9 mi., Sunrise 7:52 am, Sunset 5:11 pm.
Variable cloudy with a 50% chance of snow showers. Temperatures near steady in the mid 30s. NW winds 10-20 mph.
Clear to partly cloudy overnight. Low 23. WNW winds 5-10 mph.
Did end up with about 2 1/2″ of overnight snow. Light snow showers off and on all morning. Looks like perhaps more snow showers tomorrow but the rest of the week either just clouds or perhaps some rain. Don’t worry. Snow will be back before you know it.