Saturday, Nov. 27-SW Michigan-Snow Today
Currently 27 with an average wind from the SE of 9 mph. Feels like 27 degrees. Dew Point 21, Humidity 74%, Barometer 27.99, Visibility 0.99 mi., Sunrise 7:51 am, Sunset 5:11 pm.
Winter Weather Advisory in effect today. Could end up with 3″ of snow.
90% chance of snow showers. Temperature holding steady low to mid 30s. ESE winds 5-10 mph.
70% chance of overnight snow. Low 29. Light and variable winds.
Right on time, the snow that was forecast to begin around 10:00 this morning did it’s thing and started falling. Sounds like we could end up with our first measurable snow for the season. One of many is my guess. I’m betting on a lot more snow this winter than last. Could be wrong, but we’ll see by spring. Plenty of people would be happy about that. I’m not one of them, but I’m lucky enough to be able to stay inside and watch it through the window for the most part. That’s what I plan on doing today.