Monday, Nov. 22, 2021-SW Michigan-Blustery Winds Continue
Currently 31 with an average wind from the W of 9 mph. Feels like 25 degrees. Dew Point 19, Humidity 60%, Barometer 30.15, Visibility 10 mi., Sunrise 7:45 am, Sunset 5:14 pm.
A mix of sun and clouds today with a high around 33 degrees. WNW winds 20-30 mph with higher gusts likely. Gusty winds should diminish during the afternoon.
Clear overnight skies. Low 22 degrees. Light and variable winds.
Last nights high winds sure drove down a lot of leaves. My yard, front and back, are covered in thick layers of dead leaves. I’m sure I’m not alone. Looks like the only rain coming in this week could be on Thanksgiving Day. Swell, huh? At least it’s only going to be rain, if it does happen, and not snow. So driving to and fro shouldn’t be any big hassle. Good news for those traveling.